Lo Mathias
Bachelor of Midwifery, First Class Honours, University of Canberra, ACT
Internationally Educated Midwifery Bridging Program, University of British Columbia, Canada
Bachelor of Science, Marine Biology, University of British Columbia, Canada
Internal Pelvic Release Work Mentorship Program, Melbourne, VIC
Equilibrio Internal Pelvic Ligaments for Pregnancy and Postpartum, Washington, USA
Urogenital Manipulation in Osteopathy in Pregnancy, Melbourne, VIC
Traditional Mayan Abdominal Massage, Lake Atitlan, Guatemala
Module One Core Myofascial Release - Core Body Therapy, Sydney, NSW
Creative Ways of Making Space for Birth, Birthwork, Melbourne, VIC
Shamanic Reiki, Levels 1 and 2, Nanaimo, BC, Canada
My Story
My passion for women’s health was planted in the fertile ground of a deep love and appreciation for Mother Nature. Growing up in Canada with biologist parents, we spent a lot of time camping and playing outside, learning about the natural world. This started me on a meandering path through fisheries work, permaculture and sustainable small-scale agriculture, and ultimately led me to an interest in holistic health. My interest in the health of people, communities and the earth has been a constant thread in my life and in 2014, my attention turned to midwifery. The woman-centred philosophy, blended with science and holistic health, appealed to my values.
Midwifery has offered beautiful opportunities to be with women and families during a significant transformation, full of potential for empowerment, healing and overcoming challenges. The inclusion of internal pelvic release work and bodywork to my midwifery skill set is an amazing addition. It was through my teachers, Fiona Hallinan and Jenny Blythe, and later Rachel Shapiro and Natalie Le Jeune, that I first had my eyes opened to the wonders of the pelvic space. I knew immediately that this was a missing piece in my birth work as we give people so much information for their minds, but we rarely address the history and wisdom of the body. This work speaks powerfully to the body directly and I am humbled daily by what the body has to teach us.
Why Tall Trees?
Tall Trees symbolize this work because they embody our healthy and thriving selves, reaching for our greatest potential. To grow tall, trees have to be deeply rooted in fertile ground. They need nourishment from their surrounding ecosystem, full of supports and connections. Tall trees stand strong, not afraid to be seen, and they provide shade, habitat and protection for many creatures.
My own physical and spiritual health journeys have taught me how everything in our mind/body/heart is connected. The stories we carry can affect all parts of our life, and the way to greater health is by treating ourselves as holistic beings that require nurturing in many different ways. For me, the importance of this pelvic work is expressed by the river flowing in the forest. The river can be gentle, yet powerfully nourishing, supporting the trees and life around to grow to their full potential. Tall Trees speak to me of ever growing towards greater self-awareness, self-acceptance and connection.
Presently I live and work in Canberra, ACT, on the land of the Ngunnawal people. I acknowledge and respect the value of Indigenous knowledge, wisdom and stewardship of this Land, Culture and Spirit, and I give my respect to the Elders, past, present and emerging. I also have a home where I work and play on Vancouver Island, Canada. I acknowledge that is is unceded land of the Coast Salish people, and I am grateful for their past, present and future stewardship of this land.